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Black Wolf Squadron
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Overall income
Overall expenses
Total players killed
Total deaths by players
Player vs Player Kill / Death ratio
Distance traveled
Time spent in GTA Online
Time spent in Deathmatches
Time spent in Races
Time spent in the Creator
Deathmatches Published
Races Published
Captures Published
Community plays of your published content
Thumbs up for your published content
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Lung Capacity
Overall skill completion
Mental State
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Time played as character
Longest single game session
Average time per session
Total deaths
Deaths by explosion
Deaths by falling
Deaths by fire
Deaths by traffic
Deaths by drowning
Time swimming
Distance traveled swimming
Time underwater
Time walking
Distance traveled walking
Distance traveled running
Distance traveled on foot
Farthest free-fall survived
Time in cover
Photos taken
Private dances
Sex acts purchased
Bounties placed on others
Bounties placed on you
Highest Survival wave reached
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Cops killed
NOOSE killed
Times Wanted
Wanted stars attained
Wanted stars evaded
Average Number of Wanted Stars
Wanted Level Efficiency
Time spent with a Wanted Level
Last Wanted Level duration
Longest Wanted Level duration
Time spent with a 5 star Wanted Level
Drive-by kills as driver
Drive-by kills as passenger
Total drive-by kills
Tires shot out
Vehicular kills
Cars stolen
Motorcycles stolen
Helicopters stolen
Planes stolen
Boats stolen
ATVs stolen
Bicycles stolen
Cop vehicles stolen
Store Hold Ups
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Time driving cars
Distance traveled in cars
Time riding motorcycles
Distance traveled on motorcycles
Time flying helicopters
Distance traveled in helicopters
Time flying planes
Distance traveled in planes
Time sailing boats
Distance traveled in boats
Time riding ATVs
Distance traveled on ATVs
Time riding bicycles
Distance traveled on bicycles
Highest speed in a road vehicle
Farthest stoppie
Farthest wheelie
Farthest driven without crashing
Car crashes
Motorcycle crashes
ATV crashes
Bailed from a moving vehicle
Farthest vehicle jump
Highest vehicle jump
Most flips in one vehicle jump
Most spins in one vehicle jump
Unique Stunt Jumps found
Unique Stunt Jumps completed
Near misses
Cop cars blown up
Cars blown up
Motorcycles blown up
Helicopters blown up
Planes blown up
Boats blown up
ATVs blown up
Vehicles repaired
Vehicles resprayed
Cars exported
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Spent on weapons & armor
Spent on vehicles & maintenance
Spent on style & entertainment
Spent on property & utilities
Spent on Job & Activity entry fees
Spent on betting
Spent on contact services
Spent on healthcare
Dropped or stolen
Given to others
Earned from Jobs
Earned from selling vehicles
Earned from betting
Earned from Good Sport reward
Picked up
Received from others
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Headshot kills
Armed kills
Free Aim kills
Stealth kills
Counter attacks
Player kills
Player headshot kills
Survival kills
Gang Attack kills
Highest killstreak in Deathmatch
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Pistol kills
Combat Pistol kills
AP Pistol kills
SNS Pistol kills
Heavy Pistol kills
Vintage Pistol kills
Micro SMG kills
SMG kills
Assault SMG kills
Gusenberg Sweeper kills
Assault Rifle kills
Carbine Rifle kills
Advanced Rifle kills
Bullpup Rifle kills
Special Carbine kills
Musket kills
Marksman Rifle kills
MG kills
Combat MG kills
Pump Shotgun kills
Sawed-Off Shotgun kills
Assault Shotgun kills
Bullpup Shotgun kills
Heavy Shotgun kills
Sniper Rifle kills
Heavy Sniper kills
Grenade Launcher kills
RPG kills
Firework Launcher kills
Minigun kills
Grenade kills
Tear Gas kills
Sticky Bomb kills
Molotov kills
Knife kills
Nightstick kills
Crowbar kills
Baseball Bat kills
Golf Club kills
Unarmed kills
Bottle kills
Antique Cavalry Dagger kills
Rhino Gun kills
Buzzard Minigun kills
Buzzard Rocket kills
Lazer Missile kills
Annihilator Minigun kills
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RP Earned Per Second
Overall Kills Per Minute Played
Character Kills Per Minute Played
Overall dollars earned per second
Overall dollars spent per second
Character total dollars earned
Character dollars earned per second
Character total dollars spent
Character dollars spent per second
Total kills with pistols
Total kills with SMGs
Total kills with rifles
Total kills with MGs
Total kills with shotguns
Total kills with snipers
Total kills by melee
Completed Platinum Awards
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Races Played
Races Won
Races Lost
Race Winning Success Rate
Time spent in Races
Deathmatches Played
Deathmatches Won
Deathmatches Lost
Deathmatches Win Percent
Deathmatch Time
Parachuting Played
Parachuting Wins
Parachuting Losses
Parachuting Win Percent
Parachuting Perfect Landings
Dart Games Played
Dart Games Won
Dart Games Lost
Darts Won Percent
6 Dart Checkouts
Tennis Matches Played
Tennis Matches Won
Tennis Matches Lost
Tennis Matches Win Percent
Tennis Aces
Golf Matches Played
Golf Matches Won
Golf Matches Lost
Golf Matches Win Percent
Holes In 1
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30 Consecutive Minutes with no Crash
5 Star Evasions
Aces Served
Air Racing Wins
Arm Wrestling Wins
Armored Truck Robberies
Assault Rifle Kills
Birdies Made
Bounties Claimed
Cars Exported
Cars Stolen
Community Plays Of Creations
Cover Target Wins
Crates Collected
Dart Wins
Deathmatches Created
Deathmatches Played
Dollars Earned From Betting
Dominate Your Opponent 3 Times
Drive By Kills As Passenger
Fastest Lap
Flips In A Vehicle Jump
Get Revenge On An Opponent
Golf Wins
Grenade Kills
GTA Racing Wins
Hours As A Passenger
Hours In A Helicopter
Impromptu Race Wins
Killstreaks in DM
Land On Target
Land Racing Wins
Lap Dances
Last To First Race Win
Melee Kills
MG Kills
Outfits Worn
Pistol Kills
Player Headshots
Player Kills In All Modes
Player Kills in DM
Players Blown Up With Vehicle Bombs
Police Choppers Shot Down
Races Created
Races Played
Rally Co-Driver Racing Wins
Rally Driver Racing Wins
Random Target Wins
RPG Kills
Shotgun Kills
SMG Kills
Sniper Kills
Spins In A Vehicle Jump
Stay In The Air For Over 3 Minutes
Sticky Bomb Kills
Stolen Kills
Store Hold-Ups
Survival Wave Reached
Survive Deployed Parachute Below 40 Meters
Target Grid Wins
Team DM Wins
Tennis Wins
Thumbs up For Creations
Times with a Wanted Level
Top 3 DM Finishes
Vehicle Jumps Over 100 Meters
Vehicles Blown Up
Water Racing Wins
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